
For what kind of equipment do you need recommendations?

Application and usage

Please answer the questions below regarding your application.


Do you encounter limitations and field condition variations that don’t allow you to enter and work your field at the right time? (wet soil, rutting, getting stuck, operating window constraints)

Do you encounter limitations and field condition variations that don’t allow you to enter and work your field at the right time? (wet soil, rutting, getting stuck, operating window constraints)


Do you have significant deep compaction (>20cm) risk when working your soil (soil type, humidity, …)?

Do you have significant deep compaction (>20cm) risk when harvesting (soil type, humidity, …)?


Do you work with large implements requiring higher tractive effort? Do you experience a regular significant slip (more than 10%)?

Do you require higher tractive effort? Do you experience a regular significant slip (more than 10%)?

Field Stability

Do you have header stability challenges or a need for better in-field comfort for the driver?

Do you have header stability challenges or a need for better in-field comfort for the driver?

Slope Stability

Do you need to improve handling and side-slope stability?

Do you need to improve handling and side-slope stability?

Road / Travel Distance

What percentage of the time do you spend on the road?

What percentage of the time do you spend on the road?


Complete the previous steps to get your recommendation.



With ULTRAFLEX tires, you can transfer more power in field at lower pressure while increasing your yield to up to 4% vs. standard tires without compromising your performance on the road.

  • Decreased pressure at ISO load
    • Reduced compaction = improved yield (up to 4% vs standard tire)
    • Higher tractive capacity (10% versus standard tire at ISO slippage)
  • Better mobility (road – 65kph = speed-index D) at lower field fuel consumption



Get into the field when you need to, and open larger window to get the work done. The increased traction will help you to pull my implement faster or pull larger implement to reduce my work time.

  • Longer/larger footprint
    • Higher tractive capacity (lowest slippage 3-5% max)
    • Extended mobility (wet, soft soil, steep hillside…)
    • Reduced compaction = improved yield (up to 7% vs standard tire)
  • When operating on slopes, tracks provide an improved handling and side-slope stability


Tires / Tracks

Your answers help us recommend either a tire solution or a track solution that delivers the expected, but also outstanding, performance. We suggest that you test both solutions to determine what is best for you.


On surface layer - top soil (0-20 cm depending on soil), compaction is lower and more homogenous with tires

On deep layer (20 cm+ depending on soil) compaction is lower with tracks


Tires limit soil shears soil in curves and on headlands

Increased performance to achieve higher speed with large capacity implement: less time per acre

Roading / Mobility

Moving from field to field, vehicle can operate on longer and faster trip on the road

Regular smooth drive with limited noise and vibration on the road

Ability to work the field at the optimum time for the crop, extended time window operation especially on very soft soil area



With ULTRAFLEX tire, you can increase productivity, while respecting your soil without compromising mobility & comfort.

  • Addition to MUT (*) Higher cylcic load capacity @ ISO pressure versus standard tire (+20-40%)
  • Longer/larger footprint versus standard tire
    • Reduce or prevent compaction
    • Better mobility - enlarged harvest window
  • Low to no daily maintenance & TCO
  • Easier resale



Increase machine’s mobility and flotation for better access to fields with soft ground conditions with tracks. Its large footprint will reduce ground compaction, minimizes field damage, and increase stability, maximizing the overall efficiency and quality of your work.

  • Longer/larger footprint_Flat plate area chart
  • Extended mobility + harvest @ optimum time
  • Reduce or prevent compaction
  • Improved overall stability of the vehicle in the field, less vertical bouncing => better header stability, improved comfort for the driver => better work quality (testimonial)
  • When operating on slopes or uneven fields, tracks provide an improved handling and side-slope stability


Tires / Tracks

Your answers help us recommend either a tire solution or a track solution that delivers the expected, but also outstanding, performance. We suggest that you test both solutions to determine what is best for you.

Field Stability

Improved overall stability of the vehicle in the field, less vertical bouncing => better header stability, improved comfort for the driver => better work quality

Slope Stability

When operation on slopes, tracks provide an improved handling and lateral stability

Roading / Mobility

Moving from field to field, vehicle can operate on longer and faster trip on the road

Regular smooth drive with limited noise and vibration on the road

Ability to harvest the field at the optimum time for the crop, extended time window operation especially on wet soil area

Ability to use narrower solution with tracks, enables mobility on the road


Total cost per acre (acquisition, maintenance & operation) 20-30% reduced with tires